at 6.30 I sent my sis to school, then pick Ivan at 7. Reach at Tarc, unexpectedly no guards asking my pass..(what pass?) haha just slipped in.. then I and Ivan go to basketball court, playing of course.. then smack him to 21-10.. I just to good or maybe he fall far.. nevermind that, then chin, ah ho, ah pro, chong and ivan play one bunch of pros.... eventhough we didnt win but we manage to close the ties.. about 2 or 5 points diff.. ah ho blast to many 3 points out of 10 throws and all 9 in.. Godlike.. I hmm mostly stay under basket and score.. Mvp haha.. then I rule under basket.. damn I am to good underbasket maybe I should learn to shoot 3 points.. haha.. then at about 11. All of us go to Amazon playing dota.. lose..ish .. then I drove all the way to Sunway Lagoon to look body kit for my car.. Wow so many... My Fto going to be beautiful since I know where is the shop.. haha
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