Rain rain... continuously... including thunder and lightning packages... Normally I like sleeping in this weather condition.. But unfortunately, whenever thunder drumming above the clouds of grey, that will be time my car starts alarming.. I like have to walk all the way to my car and turn off the alarm and walk all the way back to my room to continue sleeping. But thunder never come once or twice as you all know. So practically I have to get up and down to my car and the funny part of it, it always happen when I am free to rest, and didn't happen when i was busy..And the best part of it when I am sleeping... Anyways I drove my Fto out today, under the rain pour, even the road isn't visible to drive. Guess what I speed off like 140kmh on the slippery road..(Driver please try to do so and make sure wear safety belt) Hmm I turn on my sound system and full blast until my car rocking even greater than thunder. With amplifier of Gods, the db of my sound system is to great until my eardrum nearly went soft even my car honk is like a deaf tone... Anyways it is really a pleasant ride under the rain or road with less cars.. It is relaxing rather hearing parents nagging all day long, grumble on their work life which is lame though and not to mention my enemies of my family who trying to backstab me lately.. Not towards my parents.. so stressful condition I am in now and I had even once gave a though rain can wash away people sadness and gives soothing emotion but never if thunder putting all the havoc around.. I wish for rain but not thunder eventhough science prove that thunder comes together with rain normally...